The Power of Transformative Purpose
Yesterday was my 33rd Birthday and it served as a beautiful reminder that the last two years of my life has been some of the most impactful and transformative times of my entire life. This year the world got to see a garden that I have been cultivating for the last several years. This year the world got to SEE all the inner work brought to life through the lens of transformative purpose.
My late 20’s were fraught with some pretty challenging and life shifting experiences, at the time I had no appreciation for the fact that Spirit was molding me and preparing me for the beautiful journey ahead. I believe most of us can relate to that… the feeling of abandonment and betrayal when our lives take all encompassing detours that feel like black and impossible holes that we will never dig out of versus the lens of gratitude that the challenge was actually there to guide us into something so much better.
It was through all that struggle that I got the opportunity to reinvent myself, and really check in with myself to ask the questions “Who am I REALLY?” and “What is my PURPOSE here TRULY?” Those questions were big ones, and they took a lot of time, love, forgiveness, shadow work, development and meditation to be able to answer. Make no mistake, I struggled with the reinvention of SELF it is hard to patiently excavate diamonds within the fabric of your existence, but I was highly resolved in the fact that I wanted to do the work. I wanted to heal. I wanted to become the best version of myself and that meant taking a hard look at everything. That work lead me to realize that I was in a career that did not align with my spirit, it led me to understand that the relationships I was entertaining were not healthy nor were they supportive. It forced me to see the role I had in my own suffering and pushed me to forgive instead of holding onto resentment or judgment of others.
Once I was able to create harmony within my own body, mind and spirit the universe answered in kind. I met the love of my life, and will get to be his wife next year. I traced and found my indigenous heritage and found beautiful alignment with my ancestors. I discovered that for 8 generations we have been medicine people… we have always been the healers, the oracles, the guides. I felt the presence of God (Great Spirit) redirecting and whispering me into the places that I knew deep down I was always supposed to go, and this time I listened and jumped in.
I stepped into Medicine Work; I focused on the proper education, training and tools to be able to walk on my Good Medicine path, I focused on creating congruency in my own life to be able to embody the term “Medicine Woman.” This acknowledgement of my true purpose has catapulted me into a whole different reality, true alchemy in its purest form.
My purpose is to be a healer, to help others fight off their entanglements and present light to dark places. My purpose is to stand up for truth and to advocate for sovereignty and autonomy for myself and for others. My purpose is to guide, to support and to deliver love and healing to people wherever I go. My purpose is to educate and empower others so they are able to stand up for their health and their families health. My purpose is to show people how to heal their bodies, minds and spirits.
My purpose is to Stand Behind The Medicine.
“I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you, for you are not broken.
I will not heal you, for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.”-Medicine Woman’s Prayer
True healing begins when body, mind and spirit are working together in harmony and in balance. We cannot physically heal from illness if our minds and spirits are burdened, and we cannot heal mentally and spiritually if our physical body is sick. Understanding this is the foundational key to transforming your life. My approach integrates bio-chemistry, herbalist principles, nutrition, exercise, meditation, breathwork, plant medicine, indigenous healing practices, and many other therapy modalities to achieve optimal regulation and balance. If you are looking for support on your own road to transformational purpose, I would love to help you. There is no higher calling than to serve and there is no greater purpose than to be a helper to others.
Roots never forget their flowers, my Medicine path is old and it is an honor to carry it forward.
As always, be well and live in good medicine
-Ayla Little Owl
Stand Behind Your Medicine